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Should I Call A Mesquite, TX Car Wreck Lawyer After Any Accident?

Texas roads saw too much of the wrong kind of action in 2021. There were nearly 5.1 million police-reported traffic accidents. Every two minutes and 12 seconds, a person was injured in a car crash. The injury tally was 239,539, and 19,448 people sustained serious injuries. If you were involved in a collision, you might wonder whether you should contact an attorney. While calling one isn’t required, it doesn’t hurt, even if the accident was minor.

Why You Should Contact an Attorney After a Minor Accident

A minor accident in Mesquite, TX, may seem like a straightforward insurance claim that only involves minor car repairs, and that might be true. However, something as seemingly inconsequential as a fender bender can lead to injuries.

  • Whiplash: Whiplash can occur when cars collide at speeds less than 25 miles per hour. It doesn’t take a significant impact to force your head to move rapidly back and forth. This movement causes the soft tissues to stretch or tear, leading to swelling, headaches, stiffness and pain. Left untreated, whiplash can lead to chronic pain and reduced range of motion.
  • Spinal misalignment: The spine often receives the brunt of the impact in a minor car accident. The force of another car striking yours can knock your spine out of alignment. A misaligned spine can inhibit your central nervous system and lead to significant pain and discomfort. You may need multiple chiropractic treatments to realign your spine.
  • Herniated disc: A herniated disc occurs when the vertebra in your spine compresses, pushing the cushioning disc between them out of its protective casing. A herniated disc might be the only injury after a minor car crash, but it can also occur along with whiplash or spinal misalignment.

Whether you feel like you have any injuries, having a physician check your physical condition after a car crash is a good idea. It can take some time before you begin experiencing the symptoms of any of the above issues.

Waiting until you start to feel pain may lead to a longer recovery and potentially long-term or permanent conditions. Furthermore, waiting may make proving that the car accident caused your injuries more challenging.

If you contact an attorney after a minor accident, you have someone looking out for your rights. Texas is an at-fault car insurance state. Unless you have optional personal injury protection or medical coverage, you would need to file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurer to recover the costs of medical treatment.

However, whether you file with your provider or the other driver’s insurer, you will likely receive pushback from the insurance company. The company reps may reject your claim based on the fact that the accident was minor. They will almost certainly deny paying for your treatment if you didn’t seek immediate medical attention. A car accident lawyer would fight to ensure you receive a fair settlement for the injuries you sustain in a minor collision.

Why You Should Contact an Attorney When You Are at Fault

Even if you think you are entirely to blame for your accident, you might want to contact an attorney. Often, people who think they are 100% liable are, in fact, only partially to blame for the accident, which is why we always recommend that drivers not apologize or admit fault after a collision.

Lawyers with experience handling car accident cases understand the complicated factors that can contribute to a collision. They can evaluate the facts of your case to assess whether the other driver or another party might be responsible. Attorneys also often work with accident reconstruction experts who can assess an accident site to determine the events and factors that led to the crash. Even if you are partially at fault, you may be able to recover damages.

Texas’s Modified Comparative Negligence Law

Under Texas law, you may have a right to pursue compensation for injuries if you were partially responsible. The state follows a modified comparative negligence rule. You can obtain a settlement if you are less than 50% liable.

After the parties involved agree on the monetary value of the damages you incurred from the accident, the insurance company, attorneys or court reduce the settlement by your percentage of liability. Therefore, if you were 45% at fault, you would receive 55% of the calculated damages.

If you are 50% or more at fault, you lose the right to recover compensation. The other side will do everything possible to shift the blame to you. An attorney may improve your chances of receiving compensation.

Why You May Need an Attorney When You Sustain Serious Injuries

You may benefit from an experienced car accident attorney’s assistance if your injuries are severe. Your medical expenses can quickly add up. You may also lose significant income. If your injuries result in long-term issues, you might have ongoing medical needs or lose your capacity to work to the degree you did before the crash. Your losses could be extensive.

Texas’s minimum liability coverage is $30,000 for injuries to another person. If the other driver was at fault in your accident, your losses would likely exceed their policy limits. Additionally, liability insurance does not compensate you for the entirety of lost wages and won’t pay for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. Furthermore, there is little doubt the insurance company will try to get away with paying you less than you deserve.

You may need to file a legal claim to pursue fair compensation for all your losses. An attorney can help you through the process and protect your rights.

What an Attorney Can Do for You

Regardless of the severity of your accident, an attorney can help you understand your rights and options. At Fielding Law, we feel you have a right to know your options and your potential for recovering damages from the insurance company or in a lawsuit. We offer a free case evaluation. If you have a valid claim and choose to hire us, we provide the following support:

Our attorneys also handle the communications with the other side, whether insurance reps or defense attorneys.

By leaving the talking to us, you can turn your attention to healing. Furthermore, you don’t risk the other side tricking you into saying something that could hurt your case. We’ll also negotiate the settlement, but we won’t accept their offer until you agree that you’re satisfied. Though most claims settle without going to trial, our attorneys don’t shy away from a trial when necessary.

Fielding Law’s car accident attorneys also complete and file legal paperwork to ensure it is accurate, thorough and on time. The court may reject your claim if you don’t provide enough justification for a lawsuit. If you miss the deadline, you also miss your chance to recover your losses. The statute of limitations for personal injury cases in Texas is two years from the accident.

How To Get Started With Fielding Law

Fielding Law would provide a free case evaluation if you were in a car accident, no matter how serious or who you think is at fault. Should you need assistance pursuing a fair settlement, we’re here for you. We don’t charge any fees unless we win. Getting started is as easy as making a phone call. Get in touch today.